Monday, November 14, 2005

A Secular Life

I from my childhood has been visiting Monastries of many places. I am a born hindu and am sure that never change my religion at any case and will ultimately die as hindu. But i like to visit Gurduara, Masjid and Church to know the diversity in the religious faith of people. I have been to those places several times and now i have almost same faith in any of these religious structures that i always have for the temples. Our religion is a part of our culture and the world is beautiful only if there is sufficient diversity in us, we need to harbor own culture and tradition and let other have the taste of our life. In return we can enjoy theirs. I am very proud of my country's secularism under the name of Hindu Nation. Nepal is most probably the only non-secular state in the world that has been giving national holidays in the main festivals of all religions .... Id, Losar, Christmas and dushera ... all are national holidays. It is also a matter of pride that there has never been any disputes in Nepal in the ground of religion and people of every religion enjoys full rights not only in constitution but also in the secular hindu public mass.

I wondered before reading about the clashes going on in some parts of the world in the ground of religion. I cant imagine how a person can harm or kill other person just by knowing that he is not of his religion. If a person harms one's interest, how stupid the person might be who analysed to think that the person's religion is the reason behind his getting hurt.

I believe all the people in the world are good. It only matters how he is treated by the environment and how he analyses the treatment. Its the matter of intelligence and ignorance. The most intelligent person can be seen as a most foolish person if the topic of discussion goes out of his knowledge sphere. This is well understood by the so called intellectuals and i am sure that the successful politicians. having public base, are intellectuals. But how can these people lead the public mass in wrong way or how a group of people having some vested interest in the religious clashes be able to rouse the general public to kill his own neighbor.

I always think this and try to annalyse but have found always difficult to find the root. A article i had read at class 12 ..... Individuals and Masses ...... had a good picture how a good and decent individual become an animal while at mass. When individual thinks then the brain think when the mass think then the brain stops, its the environment that thinks. This i have always found true. The public gathering at the place where there is so much dirt and wastes near by or the poor peeple, and their poverty sticken life have made our environment so poluted that whenever the environment thinks it thinks wrong. May be we need to use our brain and get away from groups and brain cant go wrong.

Now there is a civilisation war going all around the world, especially between the Jews and Christian versus the Islam. May the people use their brain and think logically. Even the groups of highly secular democratic countries have decided ruthlessly like the attack on Iraq decision, dont know what environment had been discussing at, the pollution may be at the negative thoughts then the surrounding like ours. May all those bodies be unified as an individual and may people believe in humanity rather then Islam or chistianity. May peace prevail the Earth.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Friend, First of all, please accept my cheers for writing such good points.

Secularism-has always been a topic of interest for me. Not because Iam philosophical but because how the current POLITICIANS and Religious bodies have misinterpreted this word. Iam a Hindu by birth and by my deeds. But I never felt that just because Iam a Hindu I should restrict myself to accept and respect other’s beliefs as you rightly pointed out.

You mentioned that religion is a part of culture-How true! But how many realize this? I have seen right in front of my eyes people fighting in the name of religion and God whom they haven’t seen. (Pardon me here. My intention is not to question the existence of God. Never. Because I always believe that there is some power which guides as and whatever we call that power)

No two human beings are alike. So is their character and way of living. So differences are bound to happen. Then why we fight only when it comes to religion? Religious conflicts happen when people fail to respect the differences. Its nice to hear that inspite of being a Hindu nation, there are nil riots and disputes over religion in Nepal.
In India, people fight for that power which each one call by different name- Some refer him as Allah –some as Ram. What is the use of education in such a society when it cannot guide the people from this darkness created by religion?

Let me tell you what happens in our Indian society. It’s the corrupt politicians and religious mafia who tries to misguide people and make sure that there is always social unrest. Our educated crowd (many of them) fails to understand this. ? People should consider the country above everything and not religion. But that is not the actual truth.
People make themselves prey to the religious fundamentalists.

Don’t we have many better things to do in life than to fight in the name of religion? What do we gain out of this? At least we should learn from the examples set by few societies. The people who fight and kill others in the name of religion what is the peace they obtain from this. They forget that someone –just like them is suffering pain when they inflict that. Some families are thrown to streets when an innocent life is taken. And still we call our society as a modern society.

Let me just add one more point –. Religion is not an objective. It’s only a path to attain the goal and that goal for any individual is peace and happiness. Hope people realize this before it’s too late

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