Earlier, you read a post by Bhupendra, co-blogger of this blog about the implications that Maoists' win in Nepal can bring to India. He has tried his best to dispel the fear among Indians, and particularly, the fear of fundamental Hindus. Among many in India, these fundamentalists like BJP and RSS think that emergence of Maoists in Nepal is just a first step to make a corridor of Communists from Pashupati, Nepal to Tirupati, India.
If the Indian mainstream Medias and analysts are to be believed, they see Maoists as offspring of current china Regime. They see the rise of red flags in the streets of every villages and even in sophisticated towns of Nepal as a Security threat to India. Some lamented that Indian Government could not do anything against Red Uprising, Some showed their anger towards the functioning of government in India and lamented the ignorance of Indian establishment. Some analysts were even quick to comment that India gifted Nepal to China by brokering peace between Maoists and mainstream Nepalese Political Parties. There are even people in India who see the whole process of maintenance of peace as something sponsored by Christian dominated countries and see the whole process of emergence of Maoists as an attack to Hinduism. As usual, the voices of some was even tougher harsh and undignified by suggesting that India must take appropriate steps (meaning pressure tactics, mainly economic and diplomatic as well as military might) to ensure that Nepal does not escape from its palm. For these last kind of analysts, Nepal is just their hereditary property bequeathed by their forefathers and a mere chattel on the hand of India Establishment. So, there was no second thought to express various views on the rebirth of Nepal by Indian Analysts and by security experts.With these developments in Nepal, there are various quarters who believe that the relation of India with Nepal is going to be complicated. On the same line, some think that this is a right time for the military overtake in Nepal which is certainly not improving the ties between these two great nations. The last set of views only fuel the anti-Indian sentiments in Nepal which is not good for both the countries.
The doubt of various kinds was heard may be because of Maoists' past policies seeing India as an expansionist force. Their aim was to even fight with India to defeat Indian Military and make a communist ruled south Asia. That was their plan before 2001 AD. But, after the royal massacre in Nepal, Maoists felt that they can not move alone and saw the greater chances to win if they cooperated with other political parties. So, from that time onwards, Maoists made a revolutionary change taking part in peace process and they understood that multi party democracy can be the safe landing for them. It shows the Maoists' commitments to multi party democracy from that time. The thought processes and debates within the party from 2001 to 2003 gave a concrete shape to this ideology.
The rhetoric of "American Imperialism" and "Indian Expansionism" was slowly changed towards working with all neighboring and friendly states. The first thing Prachanda (Comrade Prachanda as usually said in the Maoist party is popular name of Maoist Chairman Puspa Kamal Dahal) spoke after his victory in election in Kathmandu shows that how serious and important are the issues to build a friendly relationship with neighbors. He unequivocally talked about equal distance from two giant neighbors- India and China but emphasized the "special relationship that Nepal shares with India".
What does that Mean?
That must mean two things, and two good things for the people of India and Nepal. One is that Maoists have understood the ground reality and location of Nepal and can not afford to lose the Indian support. Indian support is required in Nepal for the sustainable peace of Nepal, for Nepal to be economically developed. Maoists have also understood that Nepal can gain nothing by antagonizing India.
So, does that mean being submissive to India in every respects? Not exactly. The strong message that Maoists gave to review the Friendship treaty of 1950 between India and Nepal must be a message to every Nepali that still they can hold their head high and Maoists are not just another party like Nepali Congress or CPN UML in that respect. But, the message of scrapping 1950 Treaty does not mean waging war against India. And, this news should not send any jitters to Indian Establishment.
It is rather the right time to negotiate with Nepalese Government which commands the greatest legitimacy in Nepal in its entire history. If we remember the days when this peace treaty was signed in 1950, the government Nepal had was still of Ranas, one of the most autocratic regime in Nepalese history. India can not take advantage of this treaty forever when the treaty itself was signed in dark ages of Nepalese History.
And, except these some of the so- called political analysts and experts, the news of call for treaty review has not created much flutter in south block and sorrounding areas. The view of Indian Foreign Secretary that India is ready to review the treaty is a very good and first step that India has taken to strengthen the bilateral ties.
That must be a good news for India and Nepal. This is a time when both countries can take the friendly relations forward if Indian Establishment does not get instigated by these comments from various quarters, There is a need of genuine involvement in conversation and which alone can take the peace process forward.