Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Indian stand in Iran Nuclear Issue.(III)

US has already chooses India to make a strong line US-Isreal-India-Japan line to control the whole world. It may benefit India in many terms but the path wont be so simple that it looks. When India is below a trillion $ country US may want India to develop but getting countries closer as enemies will have a ever-lasting influence. Look Cuba for US. India now has an option of choosing US-Japan alliance or Chino-Russian alliance. Chino-Russian alliance seems to fit the indian interest much more than the US-Japan alliance as Russia is more clsoer to India then to China. China being the strongest of the three, will lead but Indo-Russian interest will always be taken care of. But the US-Japan alliance is a bit risky one. They can drop India at any point they like as the importance of India to them is minimal. The most important thing is in case of any forthcoming clash India will be the biggest loser as US is far and whatever happens most happens to India. But if the Russia-China-India forms a strong coalition then it will directly become a second pole in the world making the world multipolar. Any clash taking place will not damage India much as Pakistan and other US allies in these regions are more loyal to China, which is seen by latest actions.
The race starts from Iran. Because after Iran issue US will make India do manyn other things in its favor for the nuclear deal to pass from the congress. Then India will reach much farther and coming back may not be possible. Saddham once took the US side and end up in the mess taking whole into a battlefield. AlSo, with the second largest muslim population India going against Iran may not help India in any way, but may lead to internal problems as well.

The sugesstion not to bring Indian muslim in the debate is ruthless. Its always the interest of the peeple that a country considers while making any change in foreign policy. Like US support for Isreal. India has paid heavily in supporting Sri Lankan govt against LTTE despite having huge Tamil population. UK and Spain has paid for their support of Iraq war.

So this step must be taken carefully because the future steps must go along with it. In retrieving back neither of two sides will be gained. And going forward may be very difficult for a diversified country like India. The best way is to abstain like Rissia, China and Pakistan did if India doesnot like to upset US. Supporting the referendum is just the poor governance.


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